
Hi, my name is Melissa Rogers and I am from Northern Ontario. I'm married with two kids and a dog. Prior to my concussion, I worked as an Acquired Brain Injury Outreach Worker and case manager for mental health and addictions. I enjoy gardening, swimming, spending time with my family, music, and many other activities.

How have concussions affected your life?: I received my first concussion in 1999 in a car accident where I lost consciousness, although it wasn't known at the time. Basically in 1999 if nothing was obviously broken or bleeding you were left to heal on your own. My most recent concussion was in November 2019 in another car accident. Initially after the accident I experienced a lot of anger and frustration; my mood has shifted over the last year and I am able to be rational with myself. I still get frustrated when I want to do certain things (like skiing, bike riding, physical exercise) that I used to enjoy and can no longer do, due to my injuries and cognitive exhaustion. My days are no longer filled with a busy work schedule, but instead a busy rehabilitation schedule. I find myself more easily tired than I did pre-concussion and I'm learning to rest when I need to.

Why do you want to advocate for concussion awareness?: I want to advocate for concussion awareness because so many people don't know about the importance of being checked after a concussion, from family to medical personnel, in my experience. I was (and am) lucky to work with an amazing occupational therapist who specializes in concussion. I also had the benefit of "knowing the system" through my employment so I could reach out and get the help I needed right away. I would like everyone to be able to have the same opportunity that I had and to know where and when to reach out. I would also like to be able to advocate for individuals with concussion to have the care and understanding from others that they need.