speaking engagements

Our passion is to bring more awareness and education to the general public about concussions, mental health and brain injury.
— Seth Mendelsohn, Creative Director

School and Sport presentations

Using our unique blend of relatable lived experience with the injury and formal educational tools we facilitate group discussions on the importance of caring for your brain health. What makes our school and sport speaking engagements unique is our ability to foster group discussions on the topic. Throughout our talks we send out discussion prompts that capture the engagement of the group and allow them to open up about their own experiences with the injury. HeadsupCAN thrives in creating environments for peers to share with one another as a way to reinforce what they have learned with the people in their own circle.

Conferences or webinars

Along with our background in hosting conferences and webinars, HeadsupCAN co-founders Ryan Sutton and Seth Mendelsohn relish the chance to speak at conferences or webinars. We can speak on topics such as concussion stigma, the concussion experience, mental health and concussions and concussions in sport.

Business or organization

In an effort to bridge the gap in knowledge and understanding of concussions, we have had the pleasure of connecting with local and national level organizations to speak with their stakeholders and share our experience and comprehensive knowledge about the injury. The unfortunate reality, is that anyone can experience a brain injury, and when that person is surrounded by individuals that lack an understanding on the unpredictable nature of the recovery process, it can foster an apathetic environment. Our team aims to challenge that by hosting and facilitating open environments with organizations that allows them to gain insights and ask questions. Our goal is to educate on the complexities of concussions and the importance for a holistic approach to recovery.

Book your speaking engagement today!