
Hi, my name is Megan. I’m 17 years old and live in Dorchester Ontario. I own 3 horses and a dog and hope to have a career within the horse industry.

How have concussions affected your life?: I have suffered from concussions for quite a few years now. My first when I was 10 and have suffered 4 others since then. In November of 2016 I suffered a concussion that was not diagnosed properly. Months later I was diagnosed with Post Concussion Syndrome and convergence insufficiency. In November of 2017 I suffered another concussion and was then diagnosed with POTS. After trying several treatments with no success I recently went to Connecticut for a week of “brain camp” and now I am finally starting to feel like myself again. The treatment I received has truly changed my life for the better. Although I still have a ways to go with healing I can finally say I am on the right track and very excited to start living my life like normal again.

Why do you want to advocate for concussion awareness?: Concussion awareness has always been very important to me but even more so now after all I’ve been through. Concussions need more awareness than they get and I believe that advocates sharing their stories are what we need to help people understand how this invisible injury can impact your life in the blink of an eye. I’m very grateful for my doctor for helping me get on the healing track and family for their support and making this treatment possible so being an advocate would be an amazing way of giving back.